Coaching Tip: The Value A Specialized Assistant Brings to your Coaching Business

August 29, 2023

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Running a thriving coaching business comes with its share of challenges and demands, often pushing you to your limits. Striking the right balance between productivity and personal satisfaction can be not just frustrating but insanely difficult. You’re telling me I am supposed to somehow grow my client base, execute on coaching tasks, learn new industry best practices to teach, balance a schedule, AND have a life? Impossible. 

If you're yet to consider the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant (VA), allow us at OutDo to go into detail on why it's a decision that can only improve your way of working and your bottom line. 

What is a virtual assistant exactly? 

A virtual assistant is an individual who remotely works part or full-time and handles administrative tasks and provides support for your daily activities as a business or executive. The typical advantages of hiring VAs entail simplifying your tasks by handing them off and overall organizing your day to day business. 

What is a Specialized Assistant exactly? 

Often, what we need to have accomplished as we scale our coaching business isn’t just admin related, it is a specialized area. You started our coaching business because you’re an expert in the field of your business: sales, fitness, life, etc. Not because you’re an expert at client relations, sales, or support. A specialized assistant is someone who has previous expertise in the area of work you need done, not just a remote assistant who is a task master to help you offload admin tasks. Below, we dive into what examples there are of specialized assistants. 

The Power of Specialization

At OutDo Assistants we decided to go the route of specialization, not just generalist virtual admin work. Each of our team members comes from a background and working experience in specialized areas so that you can trust you’re offloading a certain area to someone who knows what they’re doing. 

  • Client Success: Clients are the backbone of any coaching business. Juggling numerous clients can be daunting. A Client Success Assistant ensures consistent frameworks are followed, follow-ups are done, nurturing the clients needs, and helping the client better work around your schedule. 
  • Content Manager: A strong visual identity is crucial in today's competitive coaching space. Skilled Content Assistants manage complete marketing material creation. From writing to designing to posting across social channels. A dedicated assistant who is building content and designing it for your brand helps you stay relevant in your space, build awareness and rust, and helps drive top of the funnel client leads to your business organically. 
  • Effortless Commercials: Clients are great but let's face it, they can be tough to manage commercially. Assistants help with everything related to paperwork, billing and tracing payments are all handled so that you do not have to be the face of your collections team. They can also help you track revenue performance and tracking when your clients bills are due, when to expect the next payments and overall better eyes on your business commercials. 
  • Lead Generation: Putting space between your own hunting of new business and your day to day coaching is important, it helps ensure you are not caught up in the immense work it takes to convert a prospect to a client. A dedicated expert in your services can help craft better messaging and constant nurturing of your target market so that you have a dedicated source of leads coming in. 
  • Scheduling and Appointments: Frequent travel is often part of a coach's life, even just your day to day cna get hectic. A virtual assistant managing your daily schedule, your appointments, and even your travel arrangements offers peace of mind - including personal arrangements. Sometimes all your coaching business needs is a generalist to be your right-hand person to offload tasks to since the rest of the business is running well. 

Making the Right Choice

Selecting the right virtual assistant for your coaching business is crucial. Lets run through what to do: 

  1. Audit your business. Ask yourself the tough questions like, what am I doing that I am not great at? What is not being done at all? What can I free up to give me more billable hours?
  2. What do you need in a VA? Skill sets related to the areas you need covered. Autonomous people with a very gritty mindset. Someone who is an expert collaborator. 
  3. What budget do I have? If a VA can generate you more business that may open up a different budget than just a generalist assistant. Ask yourself what is it worth from a budget perspective to offload these tasks. 

OutDo is here to help

At OutDo we hold your hand from consultation to onboarding to ongoing success to ensure we are consistently driving value and removing work off your plate. Our goal is to leave you with a constant sigh of relief every time our team helps you get things done. Kind of like with our recent client Richard Harris of The Harris Consulting Group (an industry leader in sales coaching) who left our last call saying “You’re crazy f*%!ing good! I am so impressed with the organization and research. Onboarding has been great!”

Reach out to us anytime to chat about how we can help cover your specialized tasks you need handled to scale your business. 

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